Licensing and Permitting

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Not sure if you need any licences or permits to carry out your work? Exo Environmental have helped numerous clients to obtain the relevant permissions to allow their projects to go ahead.

The licences and permits we can obtain include:

Marine licences (MMO) - Required for work below mean high water.

Waste management (WAMITAB) – Required when handling waste, such as dredged sediment or excavated soil.

Environmental Permit–Check if you need to apply for an environmental permit, formerly known as a flood defence consent (or FRAP). This will usually be required for work in proximity to a river or flood defence structure.

Planning permit - Required for any commercial or residential developments.

Landowner consent - To help communicate with landowners such as the Crown Estate to gain their support for the project.

We can prepare all documents associated with the above licences and permits. The most commonly required are Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), Habitat Regulation Assessments (HRA), Water Framework Directive Assessments (WFD) and Preliminary Ecological Assessments (PEA).