Peatland Surveys, the Humberhead Levels - Part 3
With a blazing hot summer week behind them, the Exo Team have returned from a third week of peat coring in the Humberhead Peatlands. Working once more on behalf of the Humberhead Levels Partnership, the Exo team has carried out an extensive study across the peatlands within the Idle Valley and within and adjacent to Yorkshire Wildlife Trust’s nature reserve Potteric Carr.
Deep Peat found with lots of Woody Fibres throughout!
The River Idle, which flanked many of the sites cored.
The continued aims of the project are to assess the eligibility of sites for restoration grants in accordance with the Peatland Code. In pursuit of this the Exo Team completed over 200 cores to 1m depth using the same methods discussed in the previous survey blogs. Where peat was present, deeper cores were conducted until the full breadth of the peat was found and recorded.
Our primary target sites for the week were located around Potteric Carr Nature Reserve surrounding central Doncaster as well as agricultural sites along the River Idle near Bawtry and Misson. Trekking through the countryside our team encountered a wide array of environments and uncovered what lay beneath fen and field throughout the week.
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